We all heard about the Seminar. From students to professionals are attend the seminar on their favourite topic or to get information about the new topic. Well to attend that seminar sometime we travel a lot. In Metro cities like Mumbai, Delhi it takes hours to go from one place to another. Also, those who live in small towns or cities face more problems. They don’t even know that there is a seminar. Meanwhile, a lesser amount of seminars were organized in the towns and hence they lack information and knowledge. Because of these problems we couldn’t able to attain the seminars. I am sure you also went through this kind of experiences. Today because of Digital technology it is possible that you can attain a seminar from home or any place which is comfortable for you and that is what is called Webinar.

What is Webinar –
The webinar is a seminar which is conducted through the internet. It can be more elaborate with the name as, WEB-Based-semINAR. It is as similar to a seminar which includes; Organizer, Speaker, and Audience. The only difference is that; a seminar has a physical venue where everyone gathers in that venue. Whereas in webinar everybody is sited in its own place like home, office etc.
The webinar is a live online event where you can see the speaker, you can see the slides; if there, you can here, communicate with voice or chat. This is happening in real-time. The webinar can be attained from any town, city or country. The basic requirement for the webinar is only a laptop, headphones and of course a stable internet connection for smooth operation. Sometime microphone can be used to communicate with the speaker or audience.
Webinars should be used for Training, Marketing, Promotion and educational purposes. It is an effective practice to reach the maximum people in lesser time. There are no limitations for the specific number of audiences. Your webinar can be seen anyone from any place.
The most important requirement in the webinar is the stable internet connection. The poor internet connectivity may be the cause for the interruption in session. You must have a strong internet connection (at least 1 Mbps) if not so still you can hear the voice of the speaker.
For getting attention from the audience you must have to promote your webinar. Sending e-mail, social media are the effective channel to promote a webinar. People get more attention when they saw the mail or ad again and again.
Advantages of the seminar –
1. Cost-effective- Webinar doesn’t have physical existence so it reduces the cost of the venue. Also, it will reduce the cost of transportation. The audience has to come with their own vehicle or public transport. With the webinar, it allows you to attain it from your place.
2. Reduce the Time- Webinar is saved the time of travelling.
3. Cheaper than Seminar- If we arranging a seminar it takes the cost venue, technical devices like mike, music system etc. But in a seminar, you don’t want these a computer and internet connection is enough to attain a webinar.
4. Increase Audience- After every webinar, the list of the audience will increase.